
27 Juni, 2010

guess what ?
iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa itu kado dari deo
kemaren pas farewell gue dapet "TER-eksis" di deo
sebenernya itu lebih terlihat seperti hinaan -,-
tapi gue nganggepnya itu penghargaan haha :D
with love ♥

dear my best friend

05 Juni, 2010

i love you more daily
i wish you could see yourself the way i see you
i wish you could love yourself the way i love you
and above all
i wish your life is everything you deserve 
because in my opinion you deserve the world
i will stand by you forever 
my heart will always belong to you :)
novia nadhilla :) dini zahrina mawarni :)
shima umari :) riris christiarini harningtyas :)
iffat fairuz :) dita preatiwi putri :) lia amelia :)
rina chaerunnisya :) dwi endah yuniati :) nadhillah nur fajrina :)
thanks smoch for everything
thanks to always beside me :')
with love ♥

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Foto saya
say my name and I'll be your friend :) curious on politic. Beatlemania. Juz hate me but don't even try to hurt me.
