masih inget lagu ini gak ?
lo bilang sama gue liriknya bagus
The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before
It always leads me here
Lead me to your door.
The wild and windy night
That the rain washed away
Has left a pool of tears
Crying for the day.
Why leave me standing here?
Let me know the way.
Many times I've been alone
And many times I've cried,
Anyway you'll never know
The many ways I've tried.
And still they lead me back
To the long, winding road
You left me standing here
A long, long time ago
Don't leave me waiting here
Lead me to your door.
But still they lead me back
To the long winding road
You left me standing here
A long, long time ago (ohhh)
Don't keep me waiting here (don't keep me waiting)
Lead me to your door. (yeah yeah yeah yeah)with love ♥
Archive for Oktober 2010
it's all about you, me and the memories
Halooo bloogeeey :*
Udah lama nih gak cerita TT_TT
Aku mau share about my love life niwh
This story about a boy who I called 'bel'
Gue sayang banget sama dia
Tapi kayaknya dia gak segitu sayangnya sama gue
Buktinya dia bisa dengan mudah ninggalin gue gitu aja haha
Awalnya gue nangis terus menerus kalo inget apa yang udah pernah kita lakuin sama222
Tapii .....
Rasanya itu useless banget yaaaa
Sekarang I'll try to survive
Gue pengen ngebalut kenangan kita eh maksud gue kenangan gue sama lo dengan senyuman hihi :)
Sekarang setiap gue lewat jalan yang dulu sring kita lewatin bareng, yang gue lakuin cuma senyum bahagia.
Gue inget percakapan singkat kita disana looooh
Lo : balapan yuk
Gue : apa?
Lo : balapan
Gue : ohhh
Lo : sampe mobil item itu yah
Gue : okay
Lo : satu dua tiga --
Tapi akhirnya lo yang menang -_-
Hahaha bahagia bgt bgt bgt gue waktu itu
Sayang gak bisa diulang :(
Mungkin gue emang gak bisa milikin lo sepenuhnya
Tapi gue seneng bisa deket sama lo semua sms lo, chat dari lo
Masih tersimpan rapi di memori gue
Thanks for the memories
See you in the future :)
with love ♥