
19 September, 2011

Red : *crying*
Green : Hi red. what cha doin here?
Red : *wipe her tears* waiting a colour to come back
Green : em.. is it blue?
Red : absolutely yes.
Green : don't u think, you're just wasting ur time? Come on red. Wake up. There will be another colour to fix u.
Red : I just feel that he's the only one who can fix me
Green : just open ur heart. there's another colour who wanna be with u. wanna fix you. wanna give u their everything and won't ever leave u lyk blue did to u.
Red : I don't have any idea abt it. I have noone now. I just need my blue.
Green : You dont need blue because he's just gonna make ur day becomes blue day
Red : then what shud I do now?
Green : Look around.. Find another colour..
Red : *lookaround* no one's here except u hahaha kidding :p
Green : Just be with me then. Because I'm gonna fix you.
Red : it ain't that easy..
Green : I know at least we try it first. would u like to try it?
Red : I have no reason to say no.. why not?
Green : then prepare urself red I'm gonna make ur day beautiful than before

Thanks green to treat me lyk I'm so special. Tell me everything's okay.. I wish you can prove me that there's still boy that I can trust :D

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Foto saya
say my name and I'll be your friend :) curious on politic. Beatlemania. Juz hate me but don't even try to hurt me.
