
15 Oktober, 2011

dear blog, I have a secret. can you promise me you wont tell anyone?
I know you will...
I have six wonder girls. They are girls who always be there when I'm down.
They are girls who tell whole world that I'm strong enauf. They are girls who make me feel so special.
God, if you read this. Tell them I love them. I just can't say it directly. I miss them.
and I wish they have someone out there who always be there when they're down. someone that tell whole world they're strong enauf. and someone who makes them so special. and the last.. I wish that someone is me..
I never wanna lose u girls. Fighting for our future :D see you in the future fah :D

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Foto saya
say my name and I'll be your friend :) curious on politic. Beatlemania. Juz hate me but don't even try to hurt me.
