nama : Rara Saraswati Gavrila
nama panggilan : Rara
warna kesukaan : merah
makanan favorite : rumput
usia: 2 bulan kurang 6 hari
hobi : makan
spesies : *searching*
kelebihan : ukuran perut :) dan disayangi pemiliknya :D
makasih banyak banget yah raya *speechless* *hug* I do love you too. I miss you every single day. I wish there'll be another anniversary.. If there ain't.. u shud find someone better :) sorry for being such bad lover for you. I can't be the best for you.. so many tears run down.. so many problem we've been through together... but it makes me love u more.. once again.. thanks for making my life so full of love.. thank you for everything that u did to me.. less than three