
08 Desember, 2011

Happy Birthday You :D
wish you nothing but the best ya...
Get mature, Be you, and Love God
I miss you all the time...

I do still remember the time we spent together, 3 years became your best-friend is the best years I have. 
but now? why we can't do it again? I wanna do all the things like we used to. and why I never can say a thing to you... when our eyes met we just do nothing. the eyes talk but the lips are sealed. People will think I'm stupid, but that's the fact because I exactly am stupid. but life goes on rite? we both have our own life. I hope you're happy with yours. because I'm happy with mine. 
sincerely, your best-friend<3

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Foto saya
say my name and I'll be your friend :) curious on politic. Beatlemania. Juz hate me but don't even try to hurt me.
